Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday, August 2: Day 9

Implementing Strategy III
   Columbia Shuttle Disaster

Instructor:  Peter Zimmerman

Key Take Aways...
  • "Learn Forward".  I like this term.  Mining the past events and actions to learn for the future.
  • Culture.  What is it made up of?  What the organization pays attention to, measures, role models, reward selection, and Recruitment. 
  • How our brain recognizing patterns.  Even if you are not looking at the patterns the brain continues to work on the problem.  In 20 minutes, 50% is correct; 12 hours, 75% correct; and after sleep and 24 hours, 84% correct. 

Political Management III
   The Case of Segregated Schools

Instructor:  Phil Heymann

Key Take Aways...
  •  IRS Commissioner Role.  Per Phil, the most important thing that Americans want from their Commissioner is Independence from Politicians. 
  • Law vs. Policy.  The general rule is Law trumps Policy. 
Lunch:  Talk from Tony Williams, prior Washington DC Mayor. 

Here is the quote that I loved..."It is much easier to steer a car vs. push a car."  Make sure to hire people who want to steer a car!

Policy Development III
   US and USSR Grain Agreement

Instructor:  Roger Porter

Key Take Aways...
  • Here are the following items to be considered in policy development.  1.  Strategy   2.  Identification of the Issues  3.  Establishment of Priorities  4.  Mobilizing Information  5.  Developing Options  6.  Assessing of Consequences  7.  Process Control  8.  Recommendations   9.  Decisions  10.  Implementation
  • "Hows" are always important.  If people are not included, they assume they were intentionally not involved. 

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