Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 28: Day 4

Managing for Results III
   Performance Management in D.C.

Instructor: Steve Kelman

Key Take Away: 
Leadership and Crisis IV
   Mt. Everest

Instructor: Dutch Leonard

Key Take Aways: 

  • Errors people typically make under stress. (Called cognitive bias). 1. Give too much weigh to your own experiences. 2. Think we have more experience than we do. 3. Overconfident in your own ability. 4. Failure to notice "dis confirming evidence." i.e. you do not notice clues that are around you. 5. You become more committed to your mindset, the current strategy that you are working on or belief you have. 6. Your personal goals/image becomes part of the objective. These principles were demonstrated in two case studies -- Three Mile Island and Climbing Mount Everest. If you are involved in a stressful situation, you need to find a way to ask yourself are you exhibiting these I do committed to the current mindset. In 3 Mile Island--they were so convinced that the error lights were wrong, they did not give the lights and the feedback they were getting the significance they should have.

Organizational Design I
   Forest Service

Instructor: Steve Kelman

Key Take Away:

  • Why do we have rules/regulations, etc. 4 reasons: 1) Knowledge development and dissemination. 2) Control. 3) Coordination. 4) Motivation.

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